
Stripper Clothes Are Not Just For Strippers

Not everyone buying stripper clothes is a stripper!

You may have never have worked as a stripper, pole dancer, or lap dancer you may have never even set foot in a strip club but that doesn’t mean you cannot take advantage of the appeal stripper clothing has on men.

In fact stripper clothing is the perfect choice for any woman looking to stoke the fires of passion in her man and have a romantic evening never to be forgotten.

Quite simply the term “stripper clothes” is only a term that best describes clothing of a sexually provocative nature and that doesn’t take a contortionist to remove, so if it’s sexy, slinky, revealing and easy to remove it could well be worn by a stripper or a more adventurous lady like yourself Orange County Strippers.

Still not sure? Well many women will go into Victoria Secret to browse and buy sexy lingerie, lets face it, it’s one of the most popular stores, unfortunately a lot of the time the lingerie never sees the light of day or even night. Why because the sexy lingerie is only part of the outfit, if you are going to role play then why stop at lingerie?

The art of stripping is teasing, a brush touch, a stroke of the hair, revealing cleavage, glimpses of leg, even warm breath in his ear, put all these together and you will have a raging bull! Just walking out in a teddy simply won’t get the same result.

Men pay a fortune at strip clubs for just what I described, and its nothing you can’t do yourself, keeping his wandering eyes and lust focused on you!

What Clothes to Wear?

When choosing stripper clothes for yourself it is important to feel comfortable, and avoid the trashy look at all costs, you are aiming for sexy, and alluring – not hooker. If short is not your style then choose a stripper gown, with slit sides that show a little leg, imagination is the key to stripper clothing it is designed to make a man want a woman so much he will open his wallet just to spend time with her, you can use this stripper dress code too for your own ends.

What Shoes to Wear?

As with the lingerie an outfit is not an outfit without the right footwear, now i know that not all women are comfortable in high heels but the higher the better within reason.

Stripper platform shoes fix the height issue by deceptively looking high, but a 6″ heel with a 2″ platform is really only a 4″ heel so choose carefully, you won’t need to pay much for a clear heel 6″ platform and it will make all the difference to your finished look.


Pick Up Strippers – How The “Stripper Game” Works

Every man secretly dreams that he could pick up strippers. But for most men this is nothing but a fantasy. The truth is that only very few men EVER get the chance to be with a stripper outside of the strip club even once in their entire lives!

Sadly, most men are destined only to date average chicks. You know, those pale “plain Jane” types who like to look down on strippers even though they are secretly jealous of their powerful sex appeal.

I want you to ask yourself something, are you really content dating boring, barely sexual women, when you know that you could be hooking up with a gorgeous young stripper who is absolutely INCREDIBLE in bed?

If you are happy with run of the mill chicks that’s fine, this article ISN’T for you. But, if you are ready to step up your game and learn how to pull the hottest girls ever, right out of the strip club and into your bed, keep reading, this is about to get good!

I’m going to let you in on a little known secret here: The main reason most guys never get a shot at having sex with a super-hottie stripper is because they wrongly assume that she is out of their reach. So, they never even bother trying!

In fact the only real thing separating the guys who do get to the hottest women on earth from everyone else is the fact that they actually go for it! It’s depressing as hell to think about… Going through life settling for mediocre relationships with mediocre chicks. Especially when you could be living the dream and hooking up with sexy exotic dancers at will Orange County Strippers.

Let me level with you here – I never thought I could get with hot strippers who look like models either. That is until I was introduced to this guy who is a stripper dating MACHINE.

The things he taught me are more precious than GOLD! He lives part of the year in Las Vegas and this guy is with a new stripper practically every night! Runway models, porn stars, you name it this guy has got that knack for getting perfect 10s!

I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Vegas? But, when you walk into one of these high-end clubs you are literally surrounded by dozens of mouth wateringly sexy, half-naked little dime-pieces. all scurrying up to you to be the first one to give you lap dances in the back.

Now obviously these girls are mainly interested in making money, and they think of most of the guys who go to the club as walking talking ATM machines.

However, there are easy ways that you can flip the script on these girls and get them sweating you instead of the other way around. Think about it, strippers are just women!

So, if you have any game at all with regular women you can definitely pick up strippers too, you’ve just got to make a few small adjustments.

It all starts with establishing the right mental attitude toward these girls.

Then you go into the club expecting that you can have your pick of the dancers. You don’t sit by the stage staring and giving away all you money like some kind of mook. Instead you roll in like a smooth player, sit at the bar, and flirt with the dancers like they are somebody’s bratty kid sister. The thing is, almost no guys EVER do this, and it drives strippers NUTS!

You’ll laugh to yourself as you watch the chump customers spending their hard-earned cash on lap-dances and round after round of drinks for the girls. Meanwhile you are taking girls out of the clubs for free, just because you figured out how to use your personality to attract them.

Trust me, once you understand how and why strippers are attracted to certain types of men, and how “stripper game” works you’ll be able to take your interactions with strippers to a whole new level.