Article marketing is a type of advertising in which businesses write short articles related to their respective industry. This form of marketing has been used by professionals for nearly as long as mass print has been available. Article marketing truly is a zero investment method that can be mastered to bring you wealth beyond your imagination.
Some of the common benefits of article marketing are: increased web traffic, increased online promotion, link popularity, better search engine optimization, strong brand awareness, generate more leads, more sales, and more sales means more profit.
But most people who attempt article marketing are unable to Rinse-and-Repeat, primarily because they do not understand this form of marketing well enough in the first place. Is it possible that the people claiming the premature death of article marketing are the people who have failed with it?
The advantages that you will see from this form of marketing are not only in terms of the amount of links that are pointed at your site as the articles are distributed, but that with every article submission, you are getting your name and your company’s name in front of potential clients. One of my most effective techniques for this form of marketing is placing your targeted keyword phrase in the title, usually at the beginning. The benefits of this form of marketing are renowned, while the results are tabulated in dollars and good sense.
The main points to concentrate on in article writing is the structure of the article and grammar of the content. Even internet marketers who consider themselves successful and are already knowledgeable about this form of marketing are finding that they are learning new techniques to make their article marketing efforts even more profitable.
Writing articles, and promoting them for publication, is one of the most productive long-term promotional tactics available. Writing reviews, recommendations, or simply listing something as a resource to members of your list will easily result in another passive stream of income in your business.
Writing articles and article marketing are very popular online promotion tools. Writing an article is much easier when you break it down into parts. Writing the perfect article, however, won’t do you any good if you don’t know how to submit it effectively. Writing articles about new affiliate programs or brand new product releases is a great way to get listed fast within search engines because the competition is limited.
Before you go about writing the article, you’ll want to do some keyword research. Article marketing is the practice of posting keyword-focused articles on article sites that then syndicate your content.
If writing is not “your thing” or you don’t have the time to submit your articles to the many submission sites and directories available to you, then outsource this task because this form of marketing is too valuable and effective not to take advantage of it. Remember, the more articles you have, the more sites will pick them up and create a link to yours.
I also discovered that my competitors don’t complete the bio box (Resource Box) and call to action reviews to improve click through rates. If you want to really make your article sell then you’ve got to craft the perfect Resource Box. Here are the essential items that should be in your resource box. Your name is a must and you’d be amazed at how many people forget to include their name in the resource box. Your name and optional title should be the first things you put in your resource box.
Keep your resource box brief and to the point. Keep the size of your resource box so that it’s no larger than 15% of your total article size. Too often I see resource boxes that are 50% of the size of the total article and this is abusive.
The body of your article is where you “GIVE” and the resource box is where you get to “TAKE” for your gift of information. The resource box is the “currency of payment” you receive for giving away your article.
The bottom line is the benefits offered by this form of marketing are not what you usually get from other types of marketing methods. Usually the articles used for this form of marketing are not too long and the word count should be in the range of 300-700, best around 500.
Because your articles target a particular subject the prospective customers that result from this form of marketing are targeted customers.
The main hurdle most people face with this form of marketing is writing the articles. Let’s face it, not everyone can crank out 500-word articles on a daily or even weekly basis.